Sad Sammy

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! My name is Sammy. I’m a Shih Tzu-Pekingese boy. My owner got really sick and could no longer care for me so the family asked... View more »

Puppy with Broken Legs

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hi I’m Pongo. I am just a puppy and I was found as a stray. Besides being abandoned, I have two broken legs and I’m underwe... View more »

The Incredible Rescue

Willow has a truly incredible story. She was left at a construction site (seemingly dumped there) and wandered the area for some time, eluding captur... View more »

Neglected and Dumped

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hi my name is Willow! I am a young Poodle girl and I was dumped at a construction site. I hid on the trailer then went on a sca... View more »

Senior Boy

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hi, my name is Coco! I am a friendly 13-year-old Pomeranian boy and my owner had to surrender me because they became too ill wi... View more »

Dash the Poodle

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! My name is Dash. I am a miniature Poodle boy - I was kicked by a horse and my family didn't want me to get hurt again so they a... View more »

Down & Out Dorothy

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hi, I’m Dorothy. I am a Terrier-Poodle senior girl who was in a shelter and in terrible shape. My friends at PPR tell me I sh... View more »

Gus in Recovery

Our vets were able to debride Gus's wounds, they sutured the deep punctures on his head and applied tie-over bandaging to the large slice down the si... View more »

Deserted Dale

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hi I’m Dale. I am a Pomeranian boy and my family moved away without me. I’m scared because I don’t understand why they le... View more »

A Happily Ever After Story

Leo was adopted from us in April 2019. He was 13 years old and had a heart condition so we knew he needed a very special adopter. We found his perfec... View more »