Dexter is Home!

Dexter’s foster mom, Lynn, nursed him back to health after several medical issues, including the amputation of his rear leg. Her gentle touch and s... View more »

Brody is home!

Brody was forced to live outdoors, perpetually hungry, surviving by the kindness of neighbors who fed him scraps.  Day after day he waited for a ge... View more »

Chap is home!

As a backyard breeder’s dog, Chap knows heartache.  He found his way out of darkness and kept his faith.  When the river was deep, the mountain w... View more »

Dorian is home!

8-year old Dorian has endured many challenges: he survived being homeless, battled advanced heartworm disease and underwent hip surgery followed by m... View more »

Olivia is home!

When adopter Jodie came upon Olivia’s photos, she could tell this little girl had personality.  Learning that she needed a little help with her co... View more »

Priscilla – Hit by a Car

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! We received an urgent request to help 4 year old Priscilla today. She came in as a stray after being hit by a car which left h... View more »

Save the Leftovers – Kiko

Kiko is an older guy that was in a lot of pain, he had a ruptured anal gland and hadn’t passed any urine nor had a bowel movement in 4 days. He was... View more »

Fleetie the Newfie

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hi, Fleetie here. I am a 2 year old, male black and white Newfoundland Landseer. My owner left the state suddenly and I was l... View more »

Save the Leftovers!

Every year after Thanksgiving, we ask our supporters to help us “Save the Leftovers”. Our “Save the Leftovers” campaign saves the dogs that a... View more »

Mochi the Aussie Doodle

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hi, Mochi here. I'm a handsome 2 yr old Aussie-Doodle boy. My family's living arrangements recently changed and once they dec... View more »