Nervous Nola

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hi, I'm Nola. I am 4 yrs old and 25 lbs. My family had me for 3 yrs and no longer had time for me so they brought me to the s... View more »

Mademoiselle Ladybug

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Bonjour, I'm Ladybug. I am a 5 year old French Bulldog who was brought into the shelter and surrendered by my owners because I... View more »

Little Man Bixby

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hello, Bixby here. I'm a 14 years old, 3.4 lb. Chihuahua fellow. I was picked up as a stray and brought to the shelter. I'm ... View more »

Sweet Rex

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hi, I'm Rex, a 3-year old, 42-pound Tri-color Border Collie/Plott hound mix and, so I'm told, a total sweetheart! I'm too nice... View more »

Booker, Another Bait Dog

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! We received another urgent plea to help Booker, another dog picked up that appeared to be a bait dog. We said "OF COURSE!" and ... View more »

Benny the Beagle

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Helloooo, I'm Benny. I'm an 8 yr old, 30lb Tri-colored beagle boy. I was a stray who wound up at Animal Services. It was very... View more »

Pretty Puppy Paisley

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hi! I'm Paisley, a 10 month old Lab/Greyhound/Whippet blend girl. I was adopted as a puppy just a few months ago from the shel... View more »

Take Action to End Dog Fighting

We have received a lot of comments and messages regarding the recent intake of two new PPR dogs, both the apparent victims of dogfighting and both wi... View more »

PPR Saves Suspected Bait Dog

An urgent call for help came and PPR stepped up as usual. This young pup, Murphy, needed immediate medical attention. An exam found multiple bite wou... View more »

Mickey is home!

Calvin & Becky lost their beloved dog, Molly, a year ago; they knew the time was right to open their hearts to another pup.  Since they enjoy tr... View more »