Thelma and Louise are home!

Thelma and Louise are pair of young Pittie-mix girls, believed to have been littermates, that were picked up as strays in the Redlands, a notorious dog dumping ground in South Florida.  PPR took in the pair of young, sweet, goofy girls and found them to be relatively healthy though they did have some fleas and parasites (to be expected); fortunately, they were both heartworm negative.  Both girls were placed into foster care; though they were believed to be littermates PPR did not believe they were truly bonded and placed them into separate foster homes.  That was a fortunate decision, as they both now have forever homes with their respective fosters (now adopters).  Besides getting a new forever home, Louise also got a new name…she is now known as Penny Lane.  Welcome home, Thelma and Louise/Penny Lane!

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