Tasha is home!

When senior girl Tasha was in the shelter, she stared into the corner and refused to engage.  That behavior changed when foster moms Amy and Adrienne brought her home.  Tasha was greeted at the door with squeals of delight from 1 year-old Declan, and then was surrounded by 5 rescue dogs who quickly accepted her into their pack.  Suddenly, a new Tasha emerged: she had pep in her step, she became engaged.  What magic potion resulted in this total transformation?  A special elixir, a combination of compassion, acceptance and love.  All Tasha ever wanted was to love and to be loved.  So, when her wonderful foster family decided to adopt her, it was the very best news.  Now, this golden girl has a permanent smile on her face, and she sparkles and shines. 

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