Simba is Home!

Simba underwent various treatments for infections and severe skin allergies. Before we found the right combination of therapies, he was often itchy and uncomfortable, and forced to wear a cone to stop from scratching himself. Through the entire process this “sweetheart” of a boy remained friendly, happy and playful. Nothing got Simba down. In foster care he quickly set about making quite an impression. His foster mom, Phyllis found his upbeat and affectionate disposition irresistible and saying good-bye proved impossible. This is her second PPR foster fail.  For Phyllis, saying yes to Simba isn’t a failure but rather a “foster win.” Simba and fur sibling Cocoa are truly so fortunate to be loved and cared for by such a wonderful mom. All you have to do is look at the smile on his face in his adoption photo to know that this boy is deliriously happy in his forever home. Welcome Home Simba!

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