Shelby is Home!

Shelby was adopted by the Parnell family and is living her best life now! The Parnell’s have a 7 year old, 120 lb chocolate Lab/Great Dane named Bullitt who needed a buddy to play with. He loves to walk, swim and chase tennis balls and he was missing having a companion as the dog he was living with went back home (he was there temporarily due to a family member’s military deployment). Bullitt needed a friend who was as active, non-aggressive and healthy as he was and Shelby fit that bill! The Parnell’s have a very large fenced in yard and a pool. They walk the dogs every day for about 2 miles and then the dogs can swim in the pool if they choose to. They also take the dogs to parks and on car rides and they both love it. 

The Parnell’s said “All of our dogs have been rescues. They live rich, happy lives and are loved deeply.”  

We are so happy for Shelby and glad she found the perfect match! Welcome Home Shelby!

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