Shadow is home!

Shadow is an Australian Shepherd mix puppy that was about 4 months old and 15 lbs at intake.  He was a part of an accidental litter and the pups were too rambunctious for the owner to manage; thus, she placed them in a boarding facility before surrendering them to PPR care.  Shadow’s new family wants to be responsible dog owners.  They have been dog sitting in their home for many of their friends, thus helping their children understand the responsibilities of having a dog.  The family is adamant in their belief that getting a dog is adding another member to the family.   Shadow is exactly the type of dog they were looking for – a pup who likes to play and will want to go on adventures.  They love to go hiking and camping, so an active and smart dog like Shadow fits their needs perfectly!  Shadow will be spending lots of time with the family outdoors, and he’ll also be living with two cats.  Lucky for everybody, he really liked the cats in his foster mom’s home so it’s a perfect fit all around!  Welcome home, Shadow! 

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