Ricky is home!

Ricky’s story is unusual but beautiful. A lovely woman named Sandra saw RIcky online at a local Miami shelter. She contacted the shelter to inquire about him and was told that he was unavailable to adopt because a rescue group was taking him.  She asked them for the name of the rescue and they gave her the wrong one. She called them back and this time they gave her the correct information. After contacting PPR to confirm his location, she applied to adopt him. She then drove 4.5 hours (one way) to meet him. She adopted him and now Ricky has a forever home! What is even more special about this story, although already quite amazing, is that the shelter aged him 12 years old: she was doing all this for a dog that she had not met whom she thought to be a senior. Turns out, the PPR’s vet says he is younger and aged him at 10 years. What a special lady for a special dog!

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