Ralph is home!

Ralph is a young Beagle/Terrier mix that seems to have had a rough life: he shows signs of neglect and cowers, but he’s a remarkably sweet boy.  PPR brought him into care, attended to his medical needs and placed him into foster care to relax, get some much needed  TLC.    Ralph’s new parents lost their beloved 15 year-old Pomeranian a few months ago and were looking for a new companion for themselves and their 12 year-old rescue Terrier, Annie.  They saw young Ralph’s picture and thought he looked similar to Annie…something about Ralph caught their eye and they intuitively knew he was meant to be theirs.  They brought Annie to meet Ralph and the two pups and they almost immediately started to play together.  At that point the adopters knew that Ralph was their perfect match.  Welcome home, Ralph!

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