Kylie is home!

Kylie is half Laika, a breed of dog known prized for its hunting skills.  Unfortunately for Kylie’s breeder, Kylie didn’t get the half that is good at hunting.  Her breeder was going to put her down, but PPR stepped and rescued her, brought her vetting up to date and placed her into foster care with PPR volunteer Bonnie.  And is often the case, Bonnie met Kylie, fell head-over-paws in love with the girl and realized she was already home.  Now Kylie has a Mom that adores her, a fur sibling, Lexie, to play with and a wonderful fenced yard in which she and Lexie can romp.  This may be a foster failure; but for Bonnie, Kelsie and Lexie, this is the ultimate success!     

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