Keela is home!

If you foster a dog, you risk falling in love. You KNOW you do this to create a safe place for a pup to adjust to the changes in their lives.  You KNOW you do it to help correct behaviors that can impede the adoption process. You KNOW you do it to learn all about the dog so that you can help find that perfect forever home. So, what happens when the dog you foster steals your heart?  That moment you know that the perfect forever home this pup needs is YOURS?  This is the story of Keela and her new family.  Keela has a Dad, a Mom and two fur siblings – one who is 13 and one who is only 2. Mom Christine is home all day so there is always someone home to give treats, to cuddle and to love, and to give kind words. And, a yard!!! A fenced yard to run in and sniff and be safe!  Life is good!

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