Indy is home!

Indy is a 9 year old Jindo mix that was brought to PPR’s attention by a local animal shelter.  He was brought to the shelter as a stray; PPR was contacted because he had likely been hit by a car and needed more intensive medical treatment than they are equipped to handle.  Indy had road rash all over his body and a broken leg; ultimately PPR’s vetting team decided the leg had to be amputated.  PPR attended to Indy’s medical needs and placed him into foster care for to recover and for much needed TLC.  Adopter Anne was looking for a dog that would not only be a great addition to her home but also get along well with her grand-dogs!  Indy fit her needs beautifully!  So now, Indy is in a safe, loving home where he will have lots of company, love and all the care he will ever need.  Welcome home, Indy!

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