Dug the Pug is home!

Dug the Pug is a young Pug mix that was surrendered at a local animal shelter and ultimately found his way into PPR care.  He was healthy at intake but still needed to be neutered, microchipped.  Dug the Pug’s adopters had wanted to adopt a Pug for a long time; when they saw his picture on the PPR  website they wasted no time and applied to adopt him right away.  His new parents already had a 1 ½  year old Dachshund, Olive, who actually had the final say as to whether or not Dug would become a part of the family.  The two met and it didn’t take long for the two dogs to start kissing each other and wanting to run and play, so the deal was done!  This family is very excited to have Dug join their pack!  He is a great buddy for Olive and fits right in.  Welcome home, Dug the Pug!

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