Damian is home!

When little Damian’s owner passed away, he found himself in need of some love. Kelly had lots of love to give, and had dreamt of having a dog her entire life. Her friend and longtime PPR volunteer, Becca, received an email from PPR about 12 dogs in need of a foster Home. Kelly happened to be sitting with Becca at a Starbucks the moment the e-mail hit her inbox.  The two scrolled through pictures of cute dogs in need of a home, and when Kelly saw Damian’s picture she knew he was the one for her! Beginning as her foster dog, Damian moved in with Kelly and it was clear that he loved life in his new home! Kelly couldn’t imagine life without Damian, and 9 days later Kelly made the arrangement official – Kelly officially became a foster fail!  Congratulations, Kelly, and thank you for giving Damian a home of his own! 

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