Daisy is home!

Daisy was a breeder’s and came into PPR care in typical breeder dog condition.  She hadn’t had very much in the way of positive human interaction so she was very scared.  She was neglected, skinny, had hair was so matted she needed to be shaved had horribly infected ears.  Needless to say, she hadn’t been spayed.  PPR took her in, attended to all of her medical needs and placed her in foster care where she could learn to live in a home and start to trust.  Lucky for her, she was adopted by Catherine and Carly, who have a lot of love to give.  Daisy now has a menagerie of siblings,  including Baxter, a cat, and canine siblings Cokie, Sir Edgar, Jettie and Norwich.  Daisy has all the company she needs to feel safe and will never again be neglected and unloved…she is a treasured family member, she is home.    

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