Chester is home!

Chester was picked up by a good Samaritan running loose in the streets of NW Miami.  His rescuer contacted the local shelter, followed all of proper protocols but no owner came forward to claim the scrappy pup.  Ultimately, Chester was into PPR care.  He is a 2 year old Schnauzer/Cairn mix; he is very energetic and he loves everybody!  Adopter Athena had just moved to Florida and was looking for a companion for her herself and her one year old Chihuahua, Buffy.  Athena works from home so Chester and Buffy will never be alone, and walks and play time in the park are on the top of everybody’s to-do list.  Buffy is thrilled to have a new fur-brother to keep her company, she loves having a playmate and a snuggle buddy.  Welcome home, Chester! 

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