Cha Cha is home!

Tiny Cha Cha is a Chihuahua pup that was surrendered to PPR by a person who thought a tiny puppy would help her with her PTSD; sadly, the responsibility of a rambunctious puppy only made the condition worse. Upon intake, Cha Cha was 9 weeks old and only 1.15 lbs and had had no vetting.  PPR took her in, saw to her vetting and placed her into foster care.  Adopters Karen & Ron ;ove om Cocoa Beach and were looking for a little dog when they came across Cha Cha’s listing on the PPR website.  Karen is an experienced Chihuahua owner and was missing the love only one of these tiny dogs can offer.  Karen & Ron were no match for Cha Cha’s charms – the active girl stared at them with her big brown eyes, causing Karen to tear up at first sight.  Needless to say, Cha Cha is home.  Welcome home, Cha Cha!

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