Where Are They Now? Sassy Pupdate

Today is National Love Your Pet Day, and there’s no better way to feel the love than with a PPR dog success story!

This is Sassy, a Poodle & Pooch alum adopted in February 2015, who is also celebrating her 12th birthday today.

When Sassy came to Poodle & Pooch, her liver enzymes were off the charts because her previous owner had been giving her an unknown quantity of human medications. Her previous records gave her a guarded prognosis, mentioning ‘euthanasia’ and ‘liver failure’ a few times. The family of the elderly owner stepped in and Sassy ended up with our rescue. No other rescue would take her because her liver issue seemed like a death sentence. She also had a collapsing trachea and coughed often.

Poodle & Pooch volunteer Patricia fell in love with Sassy, and the rest is history. After six years, Sassy is starting to slow down, but her bloodwork from her last exam looks great and her vet is impressed with how well she’s doing. She still has a collapsing trachea but hardly coughs at all.

Patricia, who is on our donor team, shared, “I have three dogs and I love them all fiercely. But this little booger grabbed a piece of my heart I didn’t know existed. I will always be grateful to PPR for saving her and choosing me to give her a home. And, as I write letters to donors, I think of Sassy. I think of the years and the love these pups would not have if it wasn’t for all the volunteers working in this group. So, Happy Birthday to Sassy and thank you PPR!” 

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