Shalyn started fostering for Poodle & Pooch Rescue two years ago. She and her husband Enver had two Labradoodles when they started fostering, so Poodle and Pooch seemed like a good fit to them. They’d fostered in college but took a break and waited until they had a fenced yard to foster again.
They have already fostered 18 dogs with us and they love fostering big dogs. That’s really great for PPR because we don’t have lots of families that are willing to take the big ones – many times they’ve taken two at a time.
About fostering, Shalyn says, “Our house is the fun house. We do not have a lot of rules and our dog doesn’t waste any time showing the new additions that they are allowed on the couch, in the bins of toys, how to sit for treats, and the best path for zoomies in the yard. We have the love and space to be a temporary stop in each dog’s journey. Watching each foster warm up and earning their trust is a great feeling.”
Enver and Shalyn both went to the University of Florida and are huge Gator fans. They enjoy watching college football, going to Disney, traveling and trying new restaurants. They currently have a 6 yr old Labradoodle named Helena and a cat named Athena. Featured in the photo are PPR dogs Mia and Pringles.
Thank you Shalyn and Enver, for your dedication to PPR and especially fostering those big doggos!
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