Linnzi has volunteered with us since 2015. She’s held several roles at PPR such as the Media Director, a bio writer, and she’s currently a foster mom and a Foster Coordinator. Linnzi really enjoys fostering special needs dogs and helping mama dogs whelp their puppies. She also loves senior pups and “the itty bitty dogs” as she calls them.
Linnzi has quite a pack of her own to welcome any new fosters dogs she takes in: a 3 year old female Papillon she adopted from PPR, an 11 year old female Terrier mix she adopted from PPR and a 16 year old three-legged male Papillon. Most of the time Linnzi and her family also have at least one hospice dog as part of the pack.
When asking Linnzi why she and her family like volunteering with PPR, she says: “We enjoy being able to provide a safe haven for dogs. We love being able to find forever homes for the dogs that are a perfect fit for them.”
Thank you Linnzi, for being such a great part of our team!