Save the Leftovers – Kiko

Kiko is an older guy that was in a lot of pain, he had a ruptured anal gland and hadn’t passed any urine nor had a bowel movement in 4 days. He was taken to the Animal Welfare Society and PPR was asked to help. He arrived to us with a bleeding rectum, a ruptured anal gland on the left, an impacted gland on the right, prostatitis (a bacterial infection in the prostate gland), a liver shunt and a terrible UTI. Our vet reported that his urine look liked “swamp water.”

Had Kiko received regular vet care, many of his issues could have been prevented or addressed early in life to prevent the suffering and additional medical problems that have arisen due to negligence. We see this all the time and it just doesn’t get any easier. We’ll never understand why people bring home a dog, but ignore their basic needs. Kiko came to us in horrific shape and he’s finally starting to feel better. Kiko’s liver will never function fully so he needs to be on medication and a special diet for the rest of his life. Kiko is learning to trust and starting to understand that not all humans will fail him.

Please consider a donation of $10 (or more) to our Save the Leftovers campaign by December 6th so we can reach our goal of raising $10,000 to help us save more dogs like Kiko. To donate, simply click here: or through Venmo: @Poodleand-PoochRescue. Thank you for caring!

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