Save the Leftovers – Copper

Copper is just one example of what your donations mean to PPR. At just 4 months old, Copper came into local animal services emaciated and barely able to walk with two swollen and painful legs. PPR was asked to help and we had a transport scoop him up and head straight to our vet.

First up – radiographs. The x-rays revealed that this poor pup was suffering from not just one, but two badly broken front legs. Sadly, our vet believed these fractures were not accidental, but appeared to be intentionally inflicted. We cannot fathom what kind of sick, cruel person could do such a thing to this sweet, innocent boy. We can’t get hung up on his past, we have to focus on his health and his future, and we did just that.

We are happy to report that we were able to save both of his legs and Copper made a full recovery in foster care before making his way to his forever home. Copper would not have had this chance if we didn’t have your support. If you believe that dogs like Copper are worth saving, please consider a donation of $10 (or more) to our Save the Leftovers campaign by December 6th so we can reach our goal of raising $10,000. To donate, simply click here: Or donate through Venmo: @Poodleand-PoochRescue. Thank you for making a difference!

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