Rescued, Redeemed, Restored…Artie’s Happy Tail Story

Some seasons of life are JUST difficult. And they present challenges beyond our control and our ability.

That’s the season that Artie found himself in.

He and his friend Oscar had known the love of a safe and stable home at one time. They had probably become accustomed to pats on the head, random treats throughout the day, and a routine that they could predict.

Unfortunately, that all came to a screeching halt when their HUMAN passed away from cancer. Artie and Oscar probably sensed that something was not right, but they had no idea that life was about to take a sharp turn.

Extended family members tried to step in and care for them but soon realized the two friends needed more.


Initially, when PPR came to the rescue, both Artie and Oscar appeared to be in good health—just homeless and on the senior side of life. They both were handsome, happy boys. Oscar only needed some dental care. But a thorough vet check would reveal that it was a bit more complicated for Artie.

Getting a handle on his health issues was not only crucial for his quality of life but in the dog-rescue-world medical concerns can be a barrier to finding a forever home.

So the PPR family of volunteers, fosters, donors—and Artie—had their work cut out for them.


When you’re a small chihuahua-mix every pound that you carry counts. And it was discovered that Artie had a few too many—3 to be exact. This put him into the morbidly obese category.

His soft belly—which incidentally he loved to have rubbed—was large and distended. On top of that, he panted a lot.

Bloodwork, urinalysis, and some other testing confirmed the vet’s suspicions.

Artie had Cushing’s Disease, and he was diabetic. Artie’s little body was producing too much of the stress hormone called Cortisol. This steroid hormone can also cause insulin resistance which contributes to diabetes.

Artie’s new normal would now include a daily oral medication for the Cushings Disease, a prick on his ears twice a day to check his blood sugar levels, and an insulin shot every day. These were not exactly the activities that any pup wants to put up with, but Artie is pretty laid back and seemed to be thankful to get the treatment he needed for better health.


It became clear that Artie would need a special HUMAN.

Someone who would not get frustrated with the daily routines Artie needed to keep him feeling good. A person who understood that sometimes a few extra steps are required to keep a best friend safe.

Maybe even someone that had walked the same path.

And that’s where Artie’s story gets really sweet. BELLMARIE was searching for a small dog, but when she found out about Artie’s particular needs, she KNEW he was the one.

Bellmarie had immediate compassion for Artie because she too struggled with diabetes—and had since she was a child.

Of course, it didn’t hurt that once Artie warms up to a person, he puts on ALL the charm. He is a true lover and just a pretty chill guy.

Decisions were made, applications were filled out, and hearts were happy.

Thanks to a GENEROUS donor and a grant, PPR was able to offer Bellmarie and Artie a year’s supply of the medication and equipment needed to keep him on the road to good health.

Nowadays, Artie loves to go shopping, take walks around the lake, sleep on a fresh load of laundry, and just spend time with his favorite family. His new “lease on life” also includes the bonus of a human “brother” that Artie absolutely adores.

If Artie looks like he’s smiling, it’s because he is. Life is good again.

And in case you were wondering, Artie’s good friend Oscar also found a new forever home.

Second chances DO happen.

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