Gracie (formerly Roxy) was part of the backyard breeder dogs that we rescued last summer. These dogs were living outdoors in rabbit cages with raw, bloody paws from the rust and jagged edges of the cages beneath them. PPR swooped in and saved 73+ dogs from this misery.
Sweet Gracie was one of these pups. Her mom, Alexis, let us know that she recently celebrated her 1 year anniversary of finding her forever family. When Alexis first got her, Gracie was scared, timid, and full of anxiety. She’d pace back and forth in the room. Every move a person made in the house would scare her and she’d run in any direction she could. She wasn’t treat motivated at all and she’d have to be backed into a corner so she could be picked up and taken out.
It took about 6 months for her to finally bark and let her voice be heard. These days she’s playful with her barks. The family has also gotten to the point where they can move around and Gracie doesn’t get scared. It was quite a milestone to be able to step over Gracie without her moving!
Gracie has such an amazing personality and everyone she meets falls in love with her. She is sweet and mellow, lets people pet her now and smiles at them. We are so thankful for Alexis adopting her and having the patience to wait for Gracie to heal and reveal her personality in her own time. We have the BEST adopters!
Happy Anniversary Gracie, from your friends at PPR!