Heartworms are parasites that are transmitted to dogs through mosquito bites and can be fatal if left untreated. Many owners forgo preventatives leaving their dogs at risk when just a $10/month pill will prevent heartworm disease. Even inside only dogs are at risk – infected mosquitoes can find their way into your house or bite your pup even in the short time he goes outside for a potty break.
Heartworms can cause lung disease, heart disease, failure in other organs, and even death if left untreated. Preventing heartworms is so easy and so much more important than people realize. You don’t want to end up having to put your dog through heartworm treatment, which is costly, difficult and painful for your dog.
Treatment for advanced heartworms consists of a series of injections which immediately begins to kill off the worms. As the worms die and begin to decompose, it’s critical that for about 4-6 weeks after the injections, the dog’s physical activity is kept to an absolute minimum. When heartworms die, pieces of the decomposing worm bodies can block blood vessels in the lungs, causing a potentially fatal blood clot, so your dog needs to be confined to a crate or a small area. No running, no playing and going outside only for potty breaks. From start to finish it can take up to 7 months to complete treatment.
Doesn’t $10/month for a heartworm preventative sound easier and better now?