Leo was adopted from us in April 2019. He was 13 years old and had a heart condition so we knew he needed a very special adopter. We found his perfect match. His adopter recently contacted us to give us an update on how well Leo is doing. Here’s what his mom has to say about this little guy –
“Leonardo (Leo) loves to go to the park at sunset, walk the grounds, sit by the river and he loves riding in the car. Leonardo is a social butterfly he will say hi to everyone that walks by (people and other animals). He also has a little girl friend named GiGi – she flirts with Leonardo all the time.
He’s a very mannerly dog. He waits for me to say it is okay for him to get on the bed or couch. Leonardo waits for me to put his collar and leash on before we go out. He’s quiet and doesn’t bark or talk much but he has very strong facial and body expressions to let me know what he needs. He’s sooo sweet and calm. Even with his heart condition he will run and jump here and there. He keeps his eye on me and if I move, he moves. He cuddles and sleeps with me every night.
Leonardo takes his heart meds very well. He loves kisses and baths. I give him oatmeal and lavender baths and he loves getting body scratches and massages. I love spoiling him so much!”