Author Archives: Admin

Patches is home!

Patches came to PPR from a very unfortunate situation.  Her coat was terribly matted and her mouth was a mess.  After her basic veterinary needs we... View more »

Cubby is home!

PPR was contacted by animal control about Cubby after he was picked up as a stray in a bad part of town.   He had many of the ailments common in do... View more »

Char is home!

Sweet Char was a sweet little 9 year old girl whose owner was going to have her put down due to a skin issue.  PPR came to the rescue and got her sk... View more »

Sweet Rosie

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hi there, I'm Rosie! I came into Animal Control as a stray. They say it is apparent I have been severely neglected for a long... View more »

Sad Ragged Dolly

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Dolly is an 8-year-old 18 lb. Shih Tzu who was picked up by Animal Services. Hard to tell what she is because she's so matted. ... View more »

Agreeable Artie

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hi, I'm Artie. I'm a senior long hair chi who lost my home along with my BFF Oscar when our owner died. Our owner’s senior ... View more »

Optimistic Oscar

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Hello, I'm Oscar, a senior Yorkie whose owner passed away. A PPR volunteer was contacted to see if PPR could help me and my BF... View more »

Hopeful Herbie

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Herbie is a male senior cream poodle who came in with his siblings, Edna, Norman and Mable after their owner passed away. He wi... View more »

Norman Needs Help

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Norman is male senior cream poodle who came in with his siblings, Edna, Herbie and Mable after their owner passed away. He will... View more »

Sweet, Petite Mable

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Mable is senior cream poodle who lost her home along with her doggie siblings when their owner died. She will need all vetting,... View more »