Author Archives: Admin

Pepper is home!

Pepper was brought into PPR care along with her pal, Lily.  They had belonged to an senior couple but one passed away and the other went into a seni... View more »

Lily is home!

Senior girl Lily’s life was turned upside down.  She and her fur sister, Pepper, were owned by a senior couple; the wife passed away and the husba... View more »

Samson is home!

Samson was surrendered to PPR after his previous owner passed away.  The owner had many dogs, and hadn’t been able to care for the dogs for quite ... View more »

Elvis is home!

Senior special-needs boy Elvis found himself at a rural shelter in need of medical care and a safe place to lay his head. Thanks to the kindness of o... View more »

Gumbo is home!

Yelena and Yaroslav fell for Gumbo when they first laid eyes on him. They were on PPR’s foster registry and immediately stepped forward to foste... View more »

Charming Collin

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Please to meet you! I'm Collin, a 2-year-old labradoodle. My owner was evicted and I was left alone in the apartment. Fortunat... View more »

Leery Lee

I'VE BEEN ADOPTED! Meet Lee!! This 10-year-old Maltese mix boy was found as a stray and is in need of the help of a rescue. He has puncture wound... View more »

Willa is home!

Delores has always had a dog in her life.  She lost her last fur-friend a few months ago, and has missed her terribly.  When she saw Willa she thou... View more »

Maya is home!

Maya was surrendered by her previous owner because she could no longer afford Maya’s care.  PPR took Maya into care, attended to her medical needs... View more »

Rolo is home!

Rolo is a big, friendly Aussie Doodle that loves to snuggle to give big sloppy kisses.  He had been adopted from a shelter; the adopter subsequently... View more »