Author Archives: Admin

Frosty is home!

Frosty came into PPR care from a hoarding situation; his owner was well-intentioned but had no way of possibly properly caring for the dogs in her ca... View more »

Alvin is home!

Shelly and her husband, Joe, had been patiently looking for a dog to adopt. They knew the right one was sure to come along. They spotted Alvin, a ... View more »

Ruby is home!

Ruby, a tiny Poodle girl, came into PPR because her previous parents were moving overseas and were not able to take her.  She was generally healthy ... View more »

Callie is home!

Callie came into PPR care with her littermate, Blanche, so she, too, is an adorable dachshund/Chihuahua/Jack Russel Terrier mix.  Her adopters, Lisa... View more »

Blanche is home!

Beittany and Michael have welcomed Blanche into their lives with open arms!  They live in a wonderful dog-friendly community that even has its own d... View more »

Ty is home!

Ty is a young miniature Aussie Poodle mix that had had a rather unsettled past.  A south Florida volunteer who regularly helps PPR transports reache... View more »

Jagger is home!

Jagger is a sweet Jack Russel Terrier mix.  He was brought into PPR care at just 8 months old and was generally a healthy, happy boy. Adopters Kelly... View more »

Nemo is home!

Nemo was surrendered to PPR by his owner, who was no longer able to adequately care for him.  He’s a sweet boy and came into care relatively healt... View more »

Lady Gaga is home!

Adopters Lois and Patrick lost their two beloved dogs unexpectedly in 2021, and had come to the realization that their house felt empty and they need... View more »

Thackery is home!

Thackery is a young terrier mix that came into PPR care by way of a local animal shelter.  The handsome boy was a little underweight, but generally ... View more »