Winnie is home!

Winnie is a 10 year old Labrador retriever mix that was unceremoniously thrown out of a moving car behind a church.  The kind witness took her to a vet to be examined; the vet said she needed a dental but was otherwise pretty healthy.  The good Samaritan was not in a position to be able to keep her, but ultimately PPR was contacted and she was brought in to care.  As they say, when one door closes another one opens,  and for Winnie that door was to the home of Tanya and Ken.  Tanya and Ken, and their two children were looking for a companion for their three year-old Labrador, Buddy, and Winnie was the perfect fit.  So now Winnie is in a home where she is safe, happy, and treated as a cherished member of the family.

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