Ginger is home!

Ginger is an older Shih-tzu girl that lost both of her owners in a very short time.  When received into PPR care it was evident her vetting had been neglected: her eyes were crusty, her ears were inflamed, her skin was irritated, she had trouble breathing and was very overweight.  PPR’s vets took care of all of her medical and she received lots of TLC in foster care.  Adopters Jim and Megumi lost their beloved Shih-tzu, Pepper, last year and were finally ready to let another pup into their lives.  They met Ginger and it was love at first sight.  They’ve been working hard to help Ginger lose some weight and to live a healthier lifestyle, and report that she’s doing very well.  This is one happy family, and Ginger is the center of their world!

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