We have received a lot of comments and messages regarding the recent intake of two new PPR dogs, both the apparent victims of dogfighting and both with severe injuries and signs of chronic abuse and neglect.
While we work on healing their bodies and their spirits, we’ve been asked if the authorities are aware and how can we prevent this? Yes, the authorities and county are aware. Both dogs were found by Animal Services as strays and established protocols were followed. We were contacted directly by the shelter and asked for our assistance because of our relationship with them. They know we take senior and special needs dogs and have always responded when they ask for emergency vetting. As a taxpayer funded program, they simply do not have the resources to pay for Murphy and Booker’s extensive medical needs. Nor do they have the time or resources to work one on one with the dogs to rehabilitate their spirit.
The people at Animal Services work tirelessly for the benefit of stray and unwanted animals. What they see day in and day out is absolutely heartbreaking. Trust us when we say they, we, and you all want the same thing – for the violence and neglect to stop.
Here are some things you can do to help stop dog fighting. Please take a moment to read. Thank you.