Cupcake is home!

Sweet and loyal Cupcake can also be moody and fickle, caring for him can be quite an undertaking.  Cupcake had luck on his side when he was placed in foster care with experienced and savvy dog owners, Amy and TomHis petulant behavior was an ongoing challenge, but soon they learned  “how to read” his moods and “understand him and his ways.”  Amy and Tom believe Cupcake “chose” them; in turn, they have pledged he “will be loved and have fun on the farm with us.”  Cupcake, newly named Biggy, is unbelievably happy.  He enjoys farm life and fancies the open air, the wide expanse, his fur siblings and the sheep…but most of all, Cupcake loves his Mom and Dad!  Thank you, Amy and Tom, for accepting Cupcake just as he is, and for giving him the unconditional love he needs!

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