Allister is home!

Adorable Yorkshire Terrier boy Allister was found by a good Samaritan running around traffic in an area where people often dump their dogs. The rescuer tried every channel available to try to find his owner to no avail; the rescuer believes him to have been abandoned. Upon intake into PPR care, PPR’s veterinary partners estimated his age to be about 4 years and he was 9 pounds…a little underweight. He was neutered and microchipped, had his teeth cleaned and was groomed before being placed into foster care. Linda volunteered to be a foster parent after losing her sweet Cockapoo, Lily. Allister was her first foster dog, and from the moment she picked him up from the vet she could not believe have very sweet he was. She knew instantly that he was a perfect match for her and he would be a great companion. Thus, very soon thereafter she was no longer his foster Mom, but his forever Mom. Welcome home, Allister!

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