Sax is home!

Sax is a 4 year old Golden Doodle that was part of a pack of dogs that had lived all of their lives outside, whose owners came to the realization that they were not able to properly care for the dogs and surrendered several into PPR care. Upon intake Sax was described as,”…a very sweet, kissy, playful big goofy oaf of a dog…he’s just a lover with no manners.” Neither he nor any of the others had received veterinary care and were in desperate need of being groomed. PPR’s veterinary partners neutered they big guy, brought his vaccinations up-to-date, cleaned his teeth and implanted a microchip before sending off to foster care where he could learn how to live in a home. Soon after being listed for adoption on the PPR website he caught the attention of adopter Lisa and her family, and soon thereafter he was in a new home that would not only shower the big guy with lots of love and attention, but also attend to all of his needs so he can be a good canine member of society. Welcome home, Sax!

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