Tigger is home!

Tigger is an 11 year old Pomeranian/Papillon mix that was surrendered to PPR by an owner who had recently started a new job that required extensive traveling (approximately 3 weeks per month). Tigger’s previous owner stated that he was a happy, friendly little guy that loves to be with his person. He was generally healthy upon intake, mostly some minor arthritis and allergy issues, but he was in desperate need of a dental. PPR’s vetting partners attended to all of his medical issues and placed him into foster care to adjust to his circumstances and to wait for his new forever home. It didn’t take long before Tigger’s adoption listing came to the attention of his new Dad. His new Dad works from home and was ready for a new dog in his life. Tigger now has a fenced yard and a low-key lifestyle…just the way he likes it!  Welcome home, Tigger!

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