Avery is home!

Avery is an adorable Maltese mix that came from a very bad situation.  He was estimated to be about 12 years old at intake and had suffered from poor care and neglect.  He had a great amount of hair loss, horribly infected ears and terrible periodontal disease.  PPR’s veterinary team set out to attend to all of his medical issues, which took quite some time because his ear infection was seemed to be slightly resistant to treatment.  Eventually, the sweet girl did recover and was finally listed for adoption.  His new family has exactly the right activity level for Avery, who seems to have a sun-and-snooze attitude!  His Mom is enjoying her retirement at home, and his new doggie brother’s favorite activities are finding sunny spots to lay in and walking (but only when it is cool enough outside!).  Avery is the perfect addition to this low-key family, who can’t wait to love on him!  Welcome home, Avery! 

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