Asher is home!

Asher was picked up as a stray in Sumter County.  He was still a puppy at intake, estimated to only six months old.  He is a labradoodle mix and is remarkably calm.  Upon intake he was generally healthy, as a young dog should be, but stinky, matted and full of parasites.  PPR’s veterinary partners cleaned him up, attended to all of his medical needs and placed him into foster care.  Asher quickly settled into his new life at his foster home and flourished – he had all the time he needed to be a healthy pup.  Friends of his foster family met Asher and seemed to bond with him right away, particularly with their son.  His new Mom had been looking for companionship for herself while she works at home, as well as for their existing dog.  Asher’s new doggie brother is a senior who had seemed depressed lately; since he is typically more chipper around dog friends, they hope that Asher will raise his spirits as well.  His new family appears to be the perfect fit!  Welcome home, Asher!

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