Saffron is home!

Saffron is an adult long-hair Dachshund mix that was surrendered by another rescue organization by a backyard breeder.  The other organization is working diligently to try to get the breeder to surrender all of their animals, and PPR is willing to help and support their efforts in any way it can.  Like most breeder dogs, Saffron had all of his life outside in a cage and has never experienced life as a treasured family member.  When he was brought into care he had a good amount of worms and was not neutered, but was fortunately/surprisingly heartworm negative.  PPR attended to all of his medical needs, neutered him and placed him into foster care for some much needed TLC and to learn how to behave in a home.  In spite of his past, he proved to be a very sweet boy.  Adopter Patricia was looking for a companion and knew instantly that Saffron was a special guy, and his perfect forever home would be with her.  Welcome home, Saffron! 

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