Croissant is home!

Croissant came into PPR care by way of a local animal shelter.  He is a friendly, young Shih-Tzu mix that was pretty healthy but possibly suffered from neglect – his coat was a matted mess and he was very stinky.  PPR attended to his needs and placed him into foster care.  Adopters Allison and Emily already had a dog but felt it was time to welcome another dog into their home and their lives.  They came across Croissant’s listing on PPR’s website and knew instantly that he would fit the bill.  Their dog, Belle, a Lhasa Apso, is thrilled to have a new friend to go for walks and to play with in their fenced back yard.  As far as Allison and Emily are concerned, just chilling out is their cup of tea, so they like their cuddle time in the evenings with Belle and Croissant.  Welcome home, Croissant!

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