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Wendy is home!

Wendy had a reputation as a “wild child” and “teenage tyrant.”  Miaand Mansoor were looking to adopt a dog who would be a playmate and companion to their pup, Dingo.  Dingo was also described as an “energizer bunny,” so the prospect of an active dog like Wendy did not scare them away.  They brought Wendy home as a foster-to-adopt dog, went right to work.  They provided her with plenty of outlets for her energy and invested a great deal of time into training; Mia and Wendy even enrolled in an online class called “Zen Logic.”  Before long, Wendy learned the all-important lesson that “good things come to those who wait.”   Mia and Mansoor made Wendy’s adoption official, so Wendy’s wait for a forever home is finally over! 

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