Site icon Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

Squeak is home!

Squeak was also found wandering the streets of South Florida (with her brother, Bubbles); a Good Samaritan took Squeak (and Bubbles) to a veterinarians office, where she was vaccinated and he ultimately found his way into PPR care.  Squeak actually met her new parents while she was in foster care.  The adopters had been looking for a second pup and thought she was the perfect addition to their family.  Squeak will be sharing her new home with Sydney, an 8 year old Schnoodle.  Sydney is already offering up some of her toys to Squeak as an invitation to play, so we know the two sisters are going to have a great life together.  Squeak’s new family are friends with her foster family so she will be able to see her foster mom and brother, Topher on a regular basis.  Welcome home, Squeak! 

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