Site icon Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

Skye is home!

Skye is a beautiful Wheaton Terrier/Golden Retriever mix that was rescued by a neighbor who saw that she had lived her entire life outside and knew that she had never left the property since being brought there as a puppy. The property is in a very rural area so she is not accustomed to any of sounds associated with city life. Skye had most likely never seen a veterinarian, never walked a leash, or never received any type of positive human interaction.  Luckily, when she came into PPR care she was relatively healthy. PPR’s vetting partners brought her vaccines up to date, spayed her and implanted a microchip. Adopters Danielle and Angelina are seasoned rescue moms who both work in the veterinary field. They plan to give Skye all of the time she needs to settle in…they even carried her to the car so she would feel safe.  Welcome home, Skye!

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