Site icon Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

Seymour is home!

Seymour is another of member of the Aussie Doodle puppy pack that was rescued from a backyard breeder.  He is initially shy but is very friendly very quickly.  Adopters Valerie and David have been long-time fosters and transporters with PPR.  When Valerie was called to help out a fellow PPR foster, she didn’t hesitate – she dropped everything and picked up Seymour that day.  A few days later she contacted PPR to ask if she could have until the evening to decide if Seymour could be forever be a part of their family; PPR, naturally, said yes.  Seymour, now known as Bear, and his PPR Alum sibling, Moosie, are as thick as thieves and truly enjoying life.  Welcome home, Seymour!

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