Site icon Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

Rags is home!

Francis and Kay cared for their special needs boy, Peanut, until he passed away at 17½ years old. This left their 9-year old Pekingese girl, Ginger, as the only dog in the home.Francis and Kay decided to they wanted to add another rescue to the family, and arranged to meet Rags, a classy pooch with a bit of swag.  Straightaway, they found his vivacious personality irresistible.  Their daughter, Katarina, instantly took to him, a feeling that was reciprocated whole-heartedly. Rags is ecstatic to be part of such a loving family and he shows them exactly how he feels with plenty of kisses.  His is truly a Rags-to-riches story!

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