Site icon Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

Nina is home!

Nina  came to PPR from a hoarding situation; her previous owner, though well-intentioned, was simply not able to give Nina the care and attention she needed to thrive. PPR cleaned Nina up, attended to all of her medical needs and place her in a foster home for some much needed TLC.  Luckily, it did not take long for PPR to find Nina a new home!  Adopters Robin and Ron had been thinking of adding to their family for a while, and kept were looking the perfect match for their dogs Verona, a 10 year old Chihuahua, and Daisy Mae, a 10 year-old Shih-poo.  Robin and Ron are a retired couple who love to spend time with their girls; they take several walks per day where the girls get to spend lots of time sniffing and exploring their way around the friendly neighborhood.  Robin and Ron know that there is always a transition when a new pup comes into the pack, and they are committed to making the transition as comfortable and stress-free for Nina as possible.   Nina will finally get the home and the life she deserves; as Robin and Ron put it,”…just know that from day 1, she will be loved and cared for unconditionally!”

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