Site icon Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

Moosie is home!

Moosie came into PPR care from a hoarding situation where 60 small dogs were living outside in the Florida heat.  Moosie had never seen a vet and had very little socialization before PPR intervened.  Moosie is 4 year old Chihuahua mix; thankfully, he was heartworm negative and relatively healthy when he came into care.  PPR brought all of his vetting up to date and placed him into foster care where he could relax and learn how to live inside a home.  Adopters Tracy and Rod were looking for a new companion dog and fell in love with Moosie’s picture and his story.  Moosie is now living a life of luxury in the Villages, one of Florida’s most dog-friendly communities:  he lives in a house that overlooks a golf course, has his very own swimming pool and dines on the finest of foods.  Tracy and Rod gave Moosie a new name to go with his new life that pays homage to his fighter pilot daddy’s call sign in the Air Force – he is now known as Buddy G Maddog Maddux.

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