Site icon Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

Maya is home!

Maya is a gorgeous black and white Boxer mix that was picked up from a local animal shelter. She loves other dogs but is very shy and nervous around humans.  Fortunately she shows no signs of aggression with humans, just very fearful.  Upon intake Maya was estimated to be about 1 year and 4 months, and about 50 lbs.  PPR’s vetting team examined her and her to a healthy girl; her vaccinations had been administered at the shelter and no surgery was required so was placed into foster care.  Maya’s new family accepts Maya as she is and doesn’t expect snuggles from her anytime soon.  She is settling in to her new surroundings and just adores her new canine sister, Sadie.  Maya and Sadie are great together, which is just what the family was hoping for. Welcome home, Maya!

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