Site icon Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida

Gizmo is home!

Mariela recently lost her beloved poodle, Rocco; she decided to volunteer as a foster with PPR because she wasn’t quite ready to commit to another dog…until she met Gizmo.  Gizmo is a senior Yorkie who was a backyard breeder’s dog.  Like most dogs from his situation he was regarded only as an asset, not as a valued member of the family; thus, he was totally unsocialized, his vetting had been neglected, he was heartworm positive and had rotten teeth.  But the only thing that Mariela saw was a sweet, adorable pup in need of TLC and love.  Mariela and Gizmo quickly fell head-over-paws in love with each other and couldn’t bear to be separated.  Some may call this a foster failure, PPR regards it as the ultimate success!   

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